Conversion & Testing made easy
Migrations have become critical to ensuring daily operations and business growth. Regardless of the reason - mergers and acquisitions, software being phased out, lack of functionality, or need for consolidation to reduce inefficiencies and costs - migration projects can be very complex and challenging for many. The Papyrus solution manages complexity and dramatically reduces migration time by automating the conversion and testing of content, assets, and logic from document management systems and customer communications applications.
- Highly automated document conversions and regression tests
- Automated testing of 1000s of test cases with the High-Volume Document Compare
- Visual comparison of divergences with the Interactive Document Compare
- One-click corrections with integrated Business Designer
- 1:1 migrations with thousands of templates cut down from multiple person-years to 6-12 months
- Ready-to-use product. No need for consulting services for Converter enhancements and extensions
- Optional consolidation of content and layouts across documents and channels reducing maintenance
Key Components of a sucessful migration strategy
The choice of the right migration strategy depends on various factors. A 1:1 transition can be worthwhile if your legacy software is soon to be discontinued and you want to start fast and keep the project time to a minimum. Or you may want to use migration as an opportunity to make things better and clean up, reuse, consolidate across channels and optimize to avoid inefficiencies in the future.
We rely on our tried and tested best practices migration approach, which ranges from the initial analysis of existing documents and forms up to the full integration into the Papyrus CCM platform. Documents and forms are evaluated based on input data, text formatting, layouts, resources, logic and output channels. These documents are then categorized based on complexity and packaged to create your migration sprints.
Papyrus Converter - getting faster with automation
The Converter reads your existing template source and extracts information such as text, styles, images and resources to recreate the building blocks in Papyrus and connecting them to the documents. If the source does not support building blocks Papyrus will suggest building block structures based on paragraphs and spacing in the source template.
Logic is what turns a document into a mini business application. It is also what makes creating a document from scratch time consuming if you haven’t documented this logic. The Converter excels at identifying, transposing and recreating your document logic with a very high automation rate; saving vast amounts of time, reducing risk of human error and visualizing your business logic in user-friendly interfaces for business and IT.
Naming conventions are retained and the converted content immediately made available in the Papyrus Business Designer, so users can start working with the new system with ease. The tool automates more than 80%, with only a fraction of work left to be done manually. In any case, the results must be thoroughly tested and the process automated as much as possible to speed up the entire migration project.
Papyrus Test Center - what it is and why it matters
The Test Center is an invaluable tool for migration projects as well as for automated regression tests during regular development cycles of document applications. In situations with many document templates and test cases with thousands of variants, the testing process wouldn’t even be possible without this tool.
The Test Center can be used after any modification to detect possible changes in documents behavior. These can be modifications in a document application, document templates, software releases or technical upgrades, such as migrations to another operating system or to the Cloud. All test cases are centrally managed in the Test Center and can be freely structured to optimize test iterations and reduce overall testing effort.
The power of synergy: the fastest way to results
Business or IT teams create test cases in the Test Center by importing test data from the organization’s test case repository or create it manually. Typically, there will be multiple test case variants of a test case, each covering a specific business scenario and containing relevant test data and a reference document for comparison.
However, by far the best way to create test cases is to use the Test Center in conjunction with an existing production or production-like test system. Here, you can easily have the inputs and outputs from production automatically feed the Test Center, generating input test data and reference documents for automated test runs.
Test Center users can run a single test case or a group of test cases for immediate feedback, or they can click on a button to start automated recursive mass tests with thousands of test cases running overnight in an unattended mode.
Automated comparisons are performed with an integrated Papyrus Compare/Batch tool. Results can be exported in the machine-readable form (XML), and are visually displayed in the Test Center UI, allowing users to click on failed tests and interactively compare the output and the reference document side by side. Papyrus Business Designer is just a mouse click away, so corrections can be easily made and the tests instantly re-run.
Benefit from our extensive experience in migration and regression testing
All replacements and changes are linked to the goal of ensuring efficient support for your core processes and keeping your CCM solution robust and future-proof. Discover the fastest path to transformation, automation and optimization that significantly reduces migration effort and keeps costs under control.