Let's Talk

Imagine a world where your organization effortlessly captures and understands mountains of documents, from emails and forms to social media posts and web content. Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) makes this a reality, transforming this unstructured chaos into a structured goldmine of valuable information.

  • One System: Unify all your documents, emails, and data in a single, intelligent platform.
  • Effortless Capture: No more manual data entry. Just scan, upload, and let IDP do the work.
  • Instant Insights: Extract valuable information from any document in seconds.
  • Automate Everything: Free up your team by automating tedious document processing tasks.

Intelligent Capture & Classification

Papyrus Capture isn’t just about scanning documents. It’s about unleashing their hidden potential. Our self-learning technology for continuous improvement recognizes anything you throw at it, from emails and invoices to social media posts and handwritten notes. Unlike traditional capture systems that struggle with different formats, Papyrus Capture is truly document-agnostic.

Train once, automate forever: Intelligent document classification

Stop sorting and routing documents and emails per hand. Papyrus Capture eliminates the tedious task of manual classification and frees humans from performing mundane and repetitive tasks. Our innovative AI self-learning technology gets smarter, continuously improving accuracy and adapting to your specific needs.

  • Effortless Training

    Just feed Papyrus Capture a few examples of each doc­ument or image type. It analyzes them, identifying unique pat­terns and keywords.

  • Smart Routing

    Email, fax, scanner, portal, mobile – Papyrus Capture handles them all. It automatically sorts them so that the right documents reach the right people instantly.

  • Future-Proof Automation

    As your document and content types evolve, Papyrus AI powered Capture is always learning and adapts seamlessly, ensuring consistent accuracy.

  • Extract the Data That Matters Most

    The more documents Papyrus Capture processes, the better it understands your needs, automatically refin­ing its classification and extraction rules.

Beyond Classification: Intelligent Content Extraction

Our intelligent extraction technology unlocks the hidden value within your documents, automatically extracting critical data for seamless integration into your existing systems assisting humans with better access to high-value information that make a real difference in the performance of the organization.

  • Unstructured Information to Structured Data

    Papyrus Capture transforms even the most complex documents - handwritten notes, invoices with varying tables and layouts, etc. - into clean, structured data.

  • Powerful Recognition

    Our recognition is highly performant when identifying a wide range of content types, from free text in emails to checkboxes in forms, images, signatures and barcodes.

  • Intelligent Algorithms

    Papyrus Capture uses pattern recognition, keywords, layout analysis, and more to extract the data you need with excep­tional accuracy.- into clean, structured data.

Supervised Extraction Training

Stop sorting and routing documents and emails per hand. Papyrus Capture eliminates the tedious task of manual classification and frees humans from performing mundane and repetitive tasks. Our innovative AI self-learning technology gets smarter, continuously improving accuracy and adapting to your specific needs.

Revolutionize Document Digitization with Business-Driven Design and self-learning. Papyrus Business Designer - Capture is a game-changer for document processing supporting business capture and OCR needs during content and case management operations. This AI powered innovative tool empowers your users extracting and indexing documents and lifting fields from arbitrary documents on the fly.

Simply drag and drop the data fields you need, and the system does the rest. Automatic keyword classification and intelligent pattern recognition handle both structured and unstructured documents. Plus, the system learns from your actions, achieving up to 98% automation for unstructured communication and near-perfect accuracy for structured documents.

Benefits you can measure

  • Faster Processing

    Automate data extraction and eliminate manual key­ing delays.

  • Improved Efficiency

    Free your team from tedious data entry tasks and em­power them for higher-value work.

  • Reduced Errors

    Ensure data accuracy with Papyrus Capture’s intelli­gent algorithms.

  • Streamlined Workflows

    Free your team from tedious data entry tasks and em­power them for higher-value work.

Papyrus Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) is an integral part of the Papyrus Digital Experience Platform, automating your entire bi-directional business communication journey. From initial requests to completion, everything happens in one user-friendly environment, orchestrated in Business Value Streams.

  • Automated Processing: Intelligent machine learning handles repetitive tasks, freeing up your team’s time.
  • Bidirectional Communication: Information flows smoothly between systems, processes and users.
  • Collaborative Work: Teams can easily collaborate on content and documents within the platform.
  • Reporting & Auditing: Track progress and ensure compliance with the platform’s reporting capability.
  • Powerful Integration: Connects seamlessly with any business system, infrastructure and back-office users.