Let's Talk

Trusted by world’s leading brands, Papyrus Software provides a Digital Experience Platform with powerful designer tools for intelligent application modernization. The no-code Papyrus Converse powered by IBM Process Mining and Watsonx GenAI helps unlock significant business value by harnessing the power of data and enabling business teams quickly build ‘living applications’. Companies from diverse industries can now seize the moment, leveraging revolutionary technologies, communication, content, and integration services within the ‘All in ONE’ Papyrus Platform — all harmonized to drive success.

9 - 10 September 2024

Meet us at our booth #103 in the exhibition hall or schedule a meeting.

Featured Products

Converse Designer | Composer

Build and deliver business applications for value streams quickly and affordably with Converse Designer/Composer. Converse bridges the gap between business needs and technical development by aligning goals with outcomes. It empowers broader teams to contribute, reducing resource constraints. This one-step design and execution process unleashes a surge in productivity. Make continuous improvements without getting bogged down by legacy issues. Converse seamlessly integrates with the Papyrus platform, core systems, content services, and omni-channel communications.

CONVERSE Client | The digital Workplace

Cut processing time by 30% and empower your team with Papyrus' Digital Workplace! Eliminate frustrating delays and media breaks in processes like loan applications, insurance claims, and service tickets. Our AI-powered platform automates tasks and streamlines workflows, empowering your teams to deliver exceptional customer and employee experiences (TX).Imagine a single, connected journey for any business process, from request to completion. Papyrus makes it a reality!

PAPYRUS WebArchive | Content Services & Blockchain

Struggling to manage customer and employee information across different systems? Our scalable solution keeps everything secure, compliant, and readily available. Papyrus' distributed Depot technology provides a secure, centralized hub for all your content, regardless of where it's stored.
Need it for self-service portals, fast access in your workspace, or legal archiving? It's all there. The integrated Blockchain technology further enhances security by guaranteeing document originality and eliminating the need for external e-signing services.

Solution Provider Session

Revolutionizing BPM: Papyrus Converse and the Power of AI, Process Mining, and NLP

Date: Sept 10, 2024
Time: 14:45-15:15
Room: Arora 1-6142
Session Code: SPS16

Tired of slow, complex business processes? Imagine a world where teams can build custom applications in a fraction of time, powered by AI and natural language. AI-driven Papyrus Converse is transforming how businesses develop value stream applications and collaborate.

In this session, we'll explore how Watson GenAI, IBM Process Mining, and Converse NLP for Business Ontology are reinventing BPM and the programming industry. Discover how these technologies empower teams to rapidly create and customize business value stream applications in a Conversational UI.


Annemarie Pucher

Sabrina Blaukopf
Director New Technologies

Best Practices

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