Let's Talk

Migration Services

The Papyrus automated Conversion Tools and its Test Center offer different approaches which have been established from many migration projects. Extensive 1:1 migrations where thousands of document templates and building blocks have to be converted to Papyrus can be reduced from several person years to 6-12 months. An important aspect is to consider a consolidation of documents and building blocks as part of the migration process in order to experience the benefit of eliminated redundancies and inefficiencies that come from multiple document template maintenance efforts and usage for different output channels

1:1 Automated Migrations:

The Document content is automatically converted during the import step into Papyrus Correspondence building blocks. The migration tool checks for already existing components for optimal reuse and creates new building blocks for not yet migrated content, including business logic. Read more

The Test Center:

The Papyrus Test Center offers exactly for such routine processes the necessary framework to create test cases, define variants for each test case (e.g. different input data) and store the expected result. These test cases are centrally managed in the test case pool and are available for manual individual tests or recursive mass tests.

  1. Automatic batch compare of output streams (AFP/PDF) and test cases
  2. Immediate overview of all differences without need of single document review
  3. Compare sensitivity (i.e. ignore watermarks)
  4. Visual compare in the Papyrus Designer/Business Designer
  5. Manual Compare during document design and sign-off activities

The test results are logged with the integrated Papyrus Compare Tool (AFP, PDF) and exported in machine-readable form (XML) or the changes are displayed visually. Test teams can quickly infer root causes and adjust the comparison references if improved results are expected, or make corrections directly in Papyrus Business Designer and restart the test run until all results are as desired. Run the Test Center with targeted test data sets or use it in parallel with the existing system during migrations to maintain constant control over the quality of the migration to Papyrus. In this way, you can reduce the migration effort many times over, reduce personnel expenses and bring the costs within a manageable range.

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