virtual workshops

Papyrus Virtual Workshops – the winner of the current COVID-19 situation

Since COVID-19 has started to change the world and our daily working conditions, the standard Papyrus Workshops are offered in a newly created virtual cloud environment that allows participants to stay in a safe and healthy environment while listening to our senior consultant trainers and their wealth of practical experience when doing self-practicing education. We even had inquiries for government supported unemployment education programs allowing persons with a certain Papyrus experience who were unfortunately laid off to invest into a new professional career.

“At the beginning I was very skeptical, whether a virtual workshop in this form would generally work well,” said Bernhard Iwaniuk, CEO, Document Development & Consulting GmbH, Switzerland. “But already on the first day I was impressed, how well everything was prepared and how easily the interaction with the teacher and the other participants worked. Thank you very much for the great support from the course management and the very professional realization of the workshop.”

Every interested person will get further information about our virtual Papyrus workshops. They will be contacted directly by me as Papyrus training coordinator. I will provide information about the procedure and the technical requirements for taking part in a virtual workshop. I will also act as the main contact person before, during and after our trainings.

Our virtual Papyrus workshops will be conducted by the trainer via video conference tool and every participant will get access to the Papyrus training environment hosted in an Amazon cloud with a dedicated IP-address for 30 days. This way the workshop participants have the possibility to review the lessons and to deepen the learned content even after the actual workshop ended.

After registration the participant will receive by email the course confirmation and instructions with a preparation checklist for the training. Normally one week before the start of the workshop a short connection test will be scheduled. I check with the participants if the remote desktop connection to the training environment and the conference tool are properly working. After a successful test, nothing stands in the way for a successful participation and the attendees will receive an invitation to the virtual workshop video session and their access credentials to the cloud.

When the virtual Papyrus workshop starts, the trainer welcomes all participants via the video conference and after a short introduction the training begins. On one display (see technical requirements) attendees will follow the video conference and the shared screen of the trainer. On a second display participants will work on their own Papyrus training setup in the cloud. The training is very interactive with a lot of practical work, so that participants will learn as much as possible for their daily work. Attendees also have the possibility to share their screens with the audience in order to discuss important findings or encountered problems. If someone is stumbling in a practical lesson, the trainer will take over control and help. 

The virtual training environment limits participants to about six persons which is mainly to allow for a real interactive and instant communication like during a training in presence.

Benefit from our virtual Papyrus workshop offer and see it for yourself!

Click here to read more details about each workshop along with pricing information. Please feel free to email our Training Coordinator with any questions or to schedule a workshop at
