Upgrading worn-out CCM legacy systems critical for better customer experience

If your company or organization interacts with a large number of customers and/or vendors, I will be able to find at least one “composition engine,” and maybe more than one, in use today.

Every firm sending bills and statements, special offers, policies and EOB’s, new enrollment packages, etc. uses automation to generate those communications. Unfortunately, legacy automation solutions have fallen well behind competitive business requirements in a mobile and connected world. The result is poor customer experience (CX), legal liability and high cost.

Legacy document composition systems are unable to keep up with the pace of today’s customer communications demands. This inefficiency leads to frustrated business unit leaders and customers, resulting in missed opportunities, high costs and poor message discipline.

Time-to-customer-touch, the time it takes to turn an idea into an effective customer contact, should be top of mind when evaluating a better solution.  This is true for high-volume batch processes – bills and statements – as well as the highly personalized, ad hoc and interactive communications used in exception handling, claims processing, loan applications, etc..  The rule holds across all inbound and outbound channels from print to e-mail to SMS and social media.

Papyrus CCM Platform

Moreover, those legacy systems were conceived and designed to reside in the hands of highly skilled and trained IT professionals. What was once a strength has now become a liability as the backlog in IT grows.  Some firms have tried to force their old platforms into service of the new business requirements. But that creates problems, big problems.

Where’s the rub?  Over time, non-IT professionals lose patience with slow delivery times and high costs associated with legacy platforms. They are under pressure and watch competitors pull ahead as they wait for resources. Eventually, they turn to the tools they have at hand, such as Microsoft Word or other short-term solutions to meet their competitive timelines. As time passes the number of templates and un-versioned communications grows – without meeting version control, governance, reuse or other mission-critical requirements.

Papyrus Customer Communications Management software puts the power of up-to-the-moment customer communications in the hands of departmental users and domain experts – the marketers, healthcare professionals, attorneys, claims adjusters, etc. All of this empowerment with even greater business process control than the legacy system it replaces (or complements).

I offer two resources for you to learn more and get your questions answered.

  1. Read about the Papyrus Customer Communications Management solution and case studies among thousands of users.
  2. When you’re ready for an interactive experience, attend our virtual Open House 2021 happening worldwide on May 17-18